Reseda Theater Senior Housing (62+)
7219 N Canby AVE Reseda CA 91335
- Some units are for people experiencing homelessness
You can put your name on the waiting list for vacant Accessible Units, only for people with disabilities
- SPA 2 - San Fernando Valley & Santa Clarita Valley
- Accessible Marketing Flyer
Information related to a property's general amenities is self-reported. City staff do not verify this information. This information is subject to change and we urge interested parties to follow up directly with the property management company to verify any and all information.
Smoking Policy : | No Smoking Allowed |
Basement : | None |
Flooring : | Vinyl |
Pets Policy : | Allowed |
Smoke Detector : | Standard |
Carbon Monoxide Detector : | Standard |
Safety Equipment : | Fire Suppression / Sprinkler System |
Stove : | Electric Stove Included |
Microwave : | Unknown |
Refrigerator : | Freezer On Top |
Washer : | No Hookup |
Dryer : | No Hookup |
Laundry Facility : | On Site |
Counter/Vanity : | Both Lowered With Min 27" High Knee Space |
Door/Faucet Handles : | Lever Handles On Both Doors And Faucets |
While all properties are subject to accessibility certification, these properties are not yet certified by AcHP Retrofit staff on all applicable accessibility requirements