Corvalan, Lisa

  • Closed Waiting List

Property image not available

Bedroom Size Affordability Level No. of Unit Accessibility Type
0 None

For fully accessible Mobility and H/V unit features, please click Required Features of Accessible Units. Click here for current income and rent limits. While all properties are subject to accessibility certification, these units are not yet certified by AcHP Retrofit staff on all applicable accessibility requirements.
Unit Info and Eligibility Criteria Filters
Affordability Level Accessiblity Type Bedroom Bathroom Program Eligibility Other Accessibility Features

      Information related to a property's general amenities is self-reported. City staff do not verify this information. This information is subject to change and we urge interested parties to follow up directly with the property management company to verify any and all information.

      General Amenities information for this property is not available..

      No record found.

      While all properties are subject to accessibility certification, these properties are not yet certified by AcHP Retrofit staff on all applicable accessibility requirements

      Here's how to contact the property management

      Name : Lisa Corvalan
      Title : Owner,Property Manager
      Email :
      Phone : (626) 617-9590